Welcome to the World of Warcraft Patch 5.0.4 Public Test Realm. We thank you for testing Patch 5.0.4 with us, and ask that you participate in our PTR Feedback forum and our PTR Bug Report forum.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Please note that PTR testing is restricted to World of Warcraft game accounts that do not have access to the Mists of Pandaria beta test. You can find more information on this here.
5.0.4 패치는 판다리아의 안개 클베 대상에게는 접근이 제한됩니다. (판다리아 안개의 새 지역과 컨텐츠를 제외한 인터페이스 변화와 테라모어의 공격 월드 이벤트가 있습니다.)
역주> 클베랑 같은 클라이언트를 씁니다. 클베가 wow3 또는 wow2를 썼다면 공개 테스트 서버는 wow1일겁니다.
Account-wide Achievements, pets, and mounts
In Patch 5.0.4 and beyond, the majority of your character's Achievements, pets, and mounts will be shared with your other characters. Please read: Bringing Achievements to the Account Level, by Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street
계정단위 업적, 펫과 탈것 계정공유 적용
World Event: Attack on Theramore Isle
Warchief Garrosh, obsessed with assuring the Horde’s supremacy over Kalimdor, launches an all-out attack against Jaina's island home of Theramore. Though valiant Alliance defenders rush to repel the sudden onslaught, they’ll soon find themselves unprepared for the terrible scope of Garrosh's true plans…
In the Public Test Realm, we will be testing this event at specified intervals. Keep an eye on our PTR Feedback forum for more details as they become available.
월드 이벤트: 테라모어 공격
테스트 서버에서는 특정 간격만 보실 수 있습니다.
AOE Looting
Area of effect looting comes to World of Warcraft with this patch. After killing a group of enemies in close proximity, when you loot one of their corpses, the loot window will include items from all of the nearby corpses for which you have loot rights.
Send BattleTag invites to other players via right-click
배틀태그 기능 적용
All classes have been updated with a new talent system, improved abilities, and spells (accessible throughout levels 1-85). Your character's talents have been reset.
85레벨까지의 새 특성이 적용되며 기존 특성은 리셋됩니다
Many old talents have been converted to specialization abilities. 많은 오래된 특성들이 바뀝니다.
Druids now have access to a fourth class specialization: Guardian.
드루이드는 수호자의 특성이 추가되어 총 4가지의 특성을 갖습니다
New spells are now learned automatically. Class trainers are only needed to change talents, glyphs, class specialization, or to utilize the dual specialization feature.
스킬은 자동적으로 배워집니다. 특성, 문양, 직업 특화 또는 이중특성이 필요할때만 직업상급자를 방문하면 됩니다.
All characters now take 30% less damage from other players.
PvP시 기본 30% 데미지 감소가 적용됩니다.
Currency Conversion
Coming soon.
주요 바뀐점은 추후 공개됩니다.
Spell Penetration has been replaced by PvP Power on existing items.
주문 관통력이 PvP공격 증가로 대체됩니다.
Head enchants removed
Enchants that modify the gear in your head slot have been removed from the game. This includes older head enchants of every type.
머리 마부 삭제
Relics, ranged, and thrown items
The slot in which ranged, relics, and thrown items were previously equipped has been removed. All weapons should now be equipped in the weapon slot.
Ranged weapons, including wands, have been adjusted to be more powerful.