![]() 2014-06-27 13:12
조회: 43,346
추천: 39
드군에 용개형 언급 NPC 등장?암사 네임드 탈바다 NPC 생겼다고 트위터에 올라왔더군요 Mindbender Talbadar http://wod.wowhead.com/npc=80490 혹시나해서 drakedog 처보니 --- PvP 지역 아스란에 네임드 PvP 유저들 NPC 로 추가했다는것 같네요. 와우헤드 기사 http://wod.wowhead.com/news=241407/wod-alpha-new-items-and-npcs-named-after-wow-community-members 참고 WoD Alpha: New Items and NPCs Named after WoW Community MembersThe latest Warlords of Draenor build added tons of new NPCs and we found many references to members of the WoW Community! We've compiled a full list below and you can check out all of the Warlords of Draenor NPCs in our WoD database. We've previously written Blizzard and Community References in WoW which covers all the references added in MoP and earlier expansions! PvPMany high-level PvPers received tribute NPCs--we'll most likely see them in Ashran. Their models include neat tributes to their favored classes--for example, Captain John Swifty is wearing Field Marshal's Battlegear, Alune Windmane is an armored moonkin, and Elliot Van Rook is wearing PvP mage gear.
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