2014-03-07 20:23
조회: 10,342
추천: 12
배틀넷 앱 "오프라인 모드" 소식Battle.Net Desktop App Chat
We recently got some updates on chat in the Battle.Net Desktop App and the Appear Offline mode from a while back. A recent update to the client removed one of the older chat display styles, added and tweaked avatars, modified some chat related things, and removed the Beta label. 배틀넷 앱 최근 클라이언트 업데이트를 통해 이전 챗(chat) 표시 스타일들, 추가 그리고 조절된 아바타들, 챗과 관련된 조정사항들, 그리고 배틀넷앱에 베타 표시가 제거되었습니다. 오프라인 모드에 관한 이전 블루포스트 2012/09/20 In the coming months, we're planning an update to Battle.net that will give you more control over your online presence when playing Blizzard games. Soon, World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, and Diablo III players will be able to select "Appear Offline" as one of their Battle.net social-status options (along with Available, Busy, and Away) for those times when they want to wander Azeroth by their lonesome, dominate the galaxy in radio silence, or slay demons in solitude. When you choose this option as your status, all of your Real ID friends, BattleTag friends, and character-level friends will see you as “Offline” in their friends list whenever you’re logged into a game. The “Appear Offline” status option will be added to World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, and Diablo III separately in future updates for each game. For Diablo III, we expect to add the feature in a patch after 1.0.5. For World of Warcraft and StarCraft II, we expect to add the option sometime after the release of each game’s upcoming expansion. Thanks for your continued feedback, and we’ll share more information on the availability of this new feature in the months ahead. (위 내용은 온라인 상태를 다양하게 조절할 수 있는 옵션들(자리비움/다른용무중/'오프라인모드')을 추가할 계획이라는 내용입니다) "오프라인으로 표시"는 월드오브워크래프트, 스타크래프트2, 디아블로3와 관련되어 있습니다 (2012년 9월 블루포스트 내용이니 하스스톤에도 적용될거라 보이네요)
/ 13,801
World of Warcraft WoW 2004 ~ 2006, WotL 2009 ~ Cata 2010 ~ MoP 2012 ~ WoD 2014 판다리아의 안개 도전모드 시즌1 드레노어의 전쟁군주 도전모드 시즌2 2014.11.25 드군, 사냥꾼/마법사 올금
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