플레이터 Target Border Color + Cast Icon Anchor+Border 모드 사용하고있는데
캐스트바까지 같이 감싸지지가 않아요 혹시 어떻게 설정하시는지 아시는분 답변부탁드립니다!

function (self, unitId, unitFrame, envTable)

   --show cast icon
   envTable.ShowIcon = true --Plater.db.profile.castbar_icon_show --true
   --anchor icon on what side
   envTable.IconAnchor = "left" --accep 'left' 'right'
   --fine tune the size of the icon
   envTable.IconSizeOffset = 0

   --shield for non interruptible casts
   envTable.ShowShield = false
   envTable.ShieldTexture = [[InterfaceGROUPFRAMEUI-GROUP-MAINTANKICON]]
   envTable.ShieldDesaturated = true
   envTable.ShieldColor = {1, 1, 1 ,1}
   envTable.ShieldSize = {10, 12}

   function envTable.UpdateIconPosition (unitFrame)
       local castBar = unitFrame.castBar
       local icon = castBar.Icon
       local shield = castBar.BorderShield

       if (envTable.ShowIcon) then

           if (envTable.IconAnchor == "left") then
               icon:SetPoint ("topright", unitFrame.healthBar, "topleft", 0, envTable.IconSizeOffset)
               icon:SetPoint ("bottomright", unitFrame.castBar, "bottomleft", 0, 0)

           elseif (envTable.IconAnchor == "right") then
               icon:SetPoint ("topleft", unitFrame.healthBar, "topright", 0, envTable.IconSizeOffset)
               icon:SetPoint ("bottomleft", unitFrame.castBar, "bottomright", 0, 0)


           icon:SetWidth (icon:GetHeight())



       if (envTable.ShowShield and not castBar.canInterrupt) then
           shield:SetAlpha (1)
           shield:SetTexCoord (0, 1, 0, 1)
           shield:SetVertexColor (1, 1, 1, 1)

           shield:SetTexture (envTable.ShieldTexture)
           shield:SetDesaturated (envTable.ShieldDesaturated)

           if (not envTable.ShieldDesaturated) then
               shield:SetVertexColor (DetailsFramework:ParseColors (envTable.ShieldColor))

           shield:SetSize (unpack (envTable.ShieldSize))

           shield:SetPoint ("center", castBar, "left", 0, 0)




   function envTable.UpdateBorder (unitFrame, casting)
       local healthBar = unitFrame.healthBar
       local castBar = unitFrame.castBar
       --casting = not casting == false or  ((castBar.casting or castBar.channeling) and not (castBar.interrupted or castBar.failed))

       if casting then
           if envTable.ShowIcon and castBar.Icon:IsShown() then
               if envTable.IconAnchor == "left" then
                   healthBar.border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", castBar.Icon, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
                   healthBar.border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", castBar, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
               elseif envTable.IconAnchor == "right" then
                   healthBar.border:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", castBar.Icon, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
                   healthBar.border:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", castBar, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
               if envTable.IconAnchor == "left" then
                   healthBar.border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", healthBar, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
                   healthBar.border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", castBar, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
               elseif envTable.IconAnchor == "right" then
                   healthBar.border:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", healthBar, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
                   healthBar.border:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", castBar, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
           if envTable.IconAnchor == "left" then
               healthBar.border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", healthBar, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0)
               healthBar.border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", healthBar, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
           elseif envTable.IconAnchor == "right" then
               healthBar.border:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", healthBar, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
               healthBar.border:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", healthBar, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)

   if not unitFrame.castBar.borderChangeHooked then
       hooksecurefunc(unitFrame.castBar, "Hide", function() envTable.UpdateBorder(unitFrame, false) end)
       unitFrame.castBar.borderChangeHooked = true

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