## __**WEAPON SIMS**__

TL;DR: itemlevel trumps all.

This is a rough idea of the differences purely looking at weapons with two passive trinkets in 5 min ST Patchwerk.
House of Cards or other active trinkets perform better without Best-in-Slots. So the differences between Best-in-Slots and the other weapons can be smaller if you have an active trinket (like House of Cards or the Priory Signet). The rankings itself do not change whether you have an active trinket or not. Every setup runs 2x  unless specified differently. As always, these things __CAN__ be different for your own character

Rankings from the picture in text:
1) Best-in-Slots (678)
2) Capital Punisher (678)
3) ex. Myth track weapon (678)
4) Crafted (675) - Ascension + Nerub
5) Crafted (675)
6) Best-in-Slots (665)
7) Capital Punisher (665)
8) ex. HC track weapons (665)
9) Best-in-Slots (658)
10) Crafted Heroic (658)

정리하면, 승천제작보다 678일반무기가 쌥니다.

딜사효장신구와 종결무기사효가 쿨이 같이돌기때문에 비열한 패돌리기같은 사효장신구를 사용하는경우 종결무기와 다른무기의 차이가 거의 없다고도 합니다.